
201126 先導研非常勤講師講演会

講師: 城口 克之 先生
 理化学研究所 生命機能科学研究センター 細胞システム動態予測チーム・チームリーダー


201216 先導研非常勤講師講演会

講師: 平田 宏聡 先生
 名古屋大学大学院医学系研究科メカノバイオロジーラボ 特任講師
講演題目:『 力学環境による細胞生存・増殖の制御機構 』



200428 G.G..Gobbe, et al., “Extracellular matrix hydrogel derived from decellularized tissues enebles endodermal organoid culture”, Nat. Commun. 10, 5658 (2019)/担当:岩下

200428 Y. Hou et al., “Surface roughness and substrate stiffness synergize to drive cellular mechanoresponse”, Nano Lett. 20, 748-757, (2020)/担当:梶原

200520 R. Surolia et al., “Vimentin intermediate filament assembly regulates fibroblast invasion in fibrogenic lung injury”, JCI Insight 4, e12325320 (2019)/担当:ソン

200520 S. Ghosh et al., “Deformation microscopy for dynamic intracellular and intranuclear mapping of mechanics with high spatiotemporal resolution”, Cell Reports. 27, 1607-1620 (2019)/担当:江端

200617 B. Roy et al., “Fibroblast rejuvenation by mechanical reprogramming and redifferentiation”, PNAS 117, 10131-10141 (2020)/担当:郭

200617 M.M. Nava et al., “Heterochromatin-driven nuclear softening protects the genome against mechanical stress-induced damage”, Cell 181, 1-18 (2020)/担当:政池

200701 F.D. Ayuningtyas et al., “Muscle lineage switching by migratory behaviors-driven epigenetic modificatios of human mesenchymal stem cells on a dendrimer-immobilized surface”, Acta Biomater. 106, 170-180 (2020)/担当:金城

200701 E Carley et al., “The LINC complex transmits integrin-dependent tension to the nuclear lamina and represses epidermal differentiation”, bioRxiv https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.05.03.075085 (2020)/担当:May

200715 S. Ye et al., “A chemically defined hydrogel for human liver organoid culture”, Adv. Funct. Mater. 2000893 (2020)/担当:岩下

200715 C.S. Hansel et al., “Nanoneedle-mediated stimulation of cell mechanotransduction machinery”, ACS Nano 13, 2913-2926 (2019)/担当:梶原

201008 M. Ferron et al., “O-GlcNAc stimulation: A new metabolic approach to treat septic shock”, Sci. Rep. 9, 18751 (2019)/担当:ソン

201008 J. Song et al., “Large-area aligned fullerence nanocrystal scaffold as culture substrates for enhancing mesenchymal stem cell self-renewal and multipotency”, ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 3, 6497-6506 (2020)/担当:パク

201016 A.R. Killaars et al., “Nuclear mechanosensing controls MSC osteogenic potential through HDAC epigenetic remodeling”, PNAS 117, 21258-21266 (2020)/担当:郭

201016 L. Feld et al., “Cellular contractile forces are nonmechanosensitive”, Sci. Adv. 6, eaaz6997 (2020)/担当:立木

201029 H-S. Hung et al., “Enhanced biocompatibility and differentiation capacity of mesenchymal stem cells on poly(dimethylsiloxane) by topographically patterned dopamine”, ACS Appl. Mater. Interf. 12, 44393-44406 (2020)/担当:金城

201029 M.P. Serres et al., “F-actin interactome reveals vimentin as a key regulator of actin organization and cell mechanics in mitosis”, Dev. Cell 52, 210-222 (2020)/担当:赤塚

201112 W. Shin et al., “Spatiotemporal gradient and instability of Wnt induce heterogeneous growth and differentiation of human intestinal organoids”, iScience 21, 101372 (2020)/担当:岩下

201112 S. Mok et al., “Mapping cellular-scale internal mechanics in 3D tissues with thermally responsive hydrogel probes”, Nat. Commun. 11, 4757 (2020)/担当:梶原

201119 M-E. Francart et al., “Vimentin prevents a miR-dependent negative regulation of tissue factor mRNA during epithelial-mesenchymal transitions and facilitates early metastasis”, Oncogene 39, 3680-3692 (2020)/担当:ソン

201119 C. Choi et al., “Polymer-coated surface as an enzyme-free culture platform to improve human mesenchymal stem cell (hMSC) characteristics in extended passaging”, Appl. Bio. Matter. doi.org/10.1021/acsabm.0c00844 (2020)/担当:パク

201203 Y. Guo et al., “Muse cell spheroids have therapeutic effect on corneal scarring wound in mice and tree shrews”,Sci. Trans. Med. 12, eaaW1120 (2020)/担当:郭

201203 N.A.P-Gonzalez et al., “YAP and TAZ regulate cell volume”, JCB. 218,3472-3488 (2019)/担当:立木

201210 M. Deng et al., “Extracellular matrix stiffness determines DNA repair efficiency and cellular sensitivity to genotoxic agents”, Sci.Adv. 6, eabb2630 (2020)/担当:赤塚

210107 E. Infante et al., “The mechanical stability of proteins regulates their translocation rate into the cell nucleus”, Nat. Phys. 15, 973-981 (2019)/担当:金城

210119 B. Yong et al., “Stopping transformed cancer cell growth by rigidity sensing”, Nat. Mater. 19, 239-250 (2020)/担当:B3エゲ/岩下(応化演習予聴会)

210119 N. Mandriota et al., “Cellular nanoscale stiffness patterns governed by intracellular forces”, Nat. Mater. 18, 1071-1077 (2019)/担当:B3佐々木/梶原(応化演習予聴会)















  • 九州大学
  • 九州大学 先導物質科学研究所
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  • 九州大学 伊都新キャンパス